Melter X GreenSign
Connected by sustainability,
experienced locally
Our Neighborhood Hotels stand for a mindful approach to the environment, the city’s rich cultural heritage and responsibility as an employer in the region.
We consistently rely on sustainable energy sources and products, pay attention to responsible procurement and thus promote local economic cycles. In an environment in which people from different nations and cultures come together, it becomes clear that joint action is crucial.
Our communication is characterised by transparency and openness. We are not afraid to consciously do things differently and initiate change.
Because we are convinced that only through this joint approach can we change and align our actions sustainably.
It was therefore a logical step for us to have this confirmed by official sustainability certification from the GreenSign label.
We are delighted to have achieved certification in 2024 and have achieved 80% on the sustainability baromter.
Our Certificate & CO2-Footprint
conserve resources
The protection of resources is an essential task in our hotel operations. With various measures, some more visible than others, we are able to raise awareness in all areas and reduce or even eliminate unnecessary waste. These areas affect us internally, e.g. in the switch to a paperless office or the mobility of our own employees, but also our guests, in the form of sensitisation to the possibility of avoiding waste, such as through the use of our refillable Retterspitz cosmetic products in the rooms.
We are also pleased that both hotels have been using 100% green electricity since 1 January 2024.
local & regional
Purchasing and biodiversity
As Neighborhood hotels, the involvement of the neighborhood is essential for us. This means that we consciously choose to work with local businesses and artists. This is the only way we can tell the story of the city in an authentic and genuine way.
Whether it’s carpentry, cosmetics or furniture: The region is reflected in all of these areas. We are proud to be able to build up this large network of loyal suppliers and partners.
with & for each other
Social responsibility
Over 40 employees from all corners of the world or even just from different corners of the city.
We have set out our values and actions in our Neighbourhood Code. For us, mutual cooperation is about communication, transparency, trust and the resulting growth.
This is how we create autonomous action at all levels and a strong sense of togetherness.
responsibility & support
we integrate e. V.
Neighborhood Hotels believes in the power of community and wants to make a positive contribution to society. That’s why we offer our guests the opportunity to be part of this initiative.
By foregoing daily room cleaning, our guests not only help the environment by reducing resource consumption and chemical pollution, but also support an important social initiative.
Strong together for tolerance and integration.