Stylish. Central. Home.
Welcome to a very special place. Melter Hotel & Apartments is a unique take on hospitality. Pure design in a listed building. Stylish living with all the amenities of a hotel. Come in and take a look around. Get to know us. And if you’re feeling good, then stay as long as you like. Several nights. Or several weeks. We’ll turn your stay in Nuremberg into a state of being. Of being at home. Or being whatever you like.
Room for your stay
Whether it’s work, play or chance, you’ll have your reasons for coming to Nuremberg. And we’ll let you unwind here. Our apartments won’t get in the way. They’ll give you the space you need to unpack, spread yourself out, set yourself up and settle in. Works of art make each room unique. The FLOS lamp und MAGIS traffic armchair, celebrated for its clear lines, both bear the unmistakable imprint of designer Konstantin Grcic. You’ll find everything you need. No less, but no more either. Because style means sometimes leaving out the unimportant things.
Stay as long as you like.
A couple of days aren’t always enough. Lots of our guests stay for longer, and a month or more isn’t unusual. And that’s why we don’t see ourselves as a hotel. Instead, we’re all about being your home from home. Our apartments have fully equipped kitchenettes. So if you want some me-time in the evening, if you want to cook or watch TV or just chill out and read, then that’s up to you. A retreat that’s become a second home to many of our guests. Full of atmosphere. With all the facilities to make a long stay comfortable.
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Unser inspirierendes Ambiente bietet die perfekte Mischung aus Funktionalität und Komfort – ideal, um dein Office ins Melter zu verlegen. Egal ob für ein Meeting, kreatives Brainstorming oder eine verdiente Pause: Hier trifft Arbeiten auf Entspannung.
Our inspiring ambience offers the perfect blend of functionality and comfort - ideal for moving your office to the Melter. Whether for a meeting, creative brainstorming or a well-earned break: this is where work meets relaxation.

Keine Lust aufs Gym? Kein Problem! Auf allen Zimmern wartet die nachhaltige @hejhej_mats auf euch – ideal für eine entspannende Yoga-Session oder einen kurzen Flow zwischendurch.
Für die extra Portion Inspiration haben wir gemeinsam mit @yoga.between.the.lines e.lines drei exklusive Yoga-Sessions direkt im Hotel gedreht. Einfach den QR-Code im Zimmer scannen oder dem Link in unserer Bio folgen – und schon kann`s losgehen! Ob sanftes Stretching oder energetischer Flow – eure Yoga-Pause beginnt im Melter.
Not in the mood for the gym? No problem! The sustainable @hejhej_mats mat awaits you in all rooms - ideal for a relaxing yoga session or a short flow in between.
For an extra dose of inspiration, we have teamed up with @yoga.between.the.lines to film three exclusive yoga sessions directly in the hotel. Simply scan the QR code in your room or follow the link in our bio - and you`re ready to go! Whether gentle stretching or energetic.
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Neues Jahr, neue Vorsätze? Im Melter müsst ihr auf euer Training nicht verzichten. Unser Fitnessraum bietet alles, was ihr braucht, um eure Ziele zu erreichen – von Ausdauergeräten bis zu Hanteln für Kraftübungen.
Startet 2025 aktiv und bleibt auch unterwegs fit. Willkommen im Melter, wo eure Vorsätze Raum finden!
New year, new resolutions? You don`t have to miss out on your workout at Melter. Our fitness room has everything you need to achieve your goals - from cardio equipment to weights for strength exercises.
Start 2025 actively and stay fit on the go. Welcome to the Melter, where your resolutions will find space!
#melterhotelapartments #boutiquehotel #designhotel #nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #neighborhoodhotel

Die Zeit zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr – die Tage, um durchzuatmen, sich treiben zu lassen und neue Kraft zu tanken. Genau dafür ist das Melter der perfekte Ort: mitten im Herzen von Nürnberg, mit Charme, Komfort und einer Atmosphäre, die einlädt, das Jahr entspannt ausklingen zu lassen.
The time between Christmas and New Year - the days to take a deep breath, let yourself drift and recharge your batteries. The Melter is the perfect place to do just that: right in the heart of Nuremberg, with charm, comfort and an atmosphere that invites you to end the year in a relaxed manner.
#melterhotelapartments #boutiquehotel #designhotel #nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #neighborhoodhotel

Das schönste Geschenk zu Weihnachten? Ein großartiges Team, das mit Herz und Leidenschaft einen Ort der Gastfreundschaft und besonderen Momente schafft. Gemeinsam gestalten wir unvergessliche Erlebnisse – für unsere Gäste und füreinander.
Frohe Weihnachten und besinnliche Feiertage an unser fantastisches Team und all unsere Gäste, die Teil unserer Geschichte sind!
The best present for Christmas? A great team that puts its heart and passion into creating a place of hospitality and special moments. Together we create unforgettable experiences - for our guests and for each other.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to our fantastic team and all our guests who are part of our story!
#melterhotelapartments #boutiquehotel #designhotel #nürnberg #visit_nuremberg #nürnberg_travel #neighborhoodhotel

Was diesen Ort so besonders macht, sind die Menschen dahinter. Nur so wird das Melter zu einem echten "Daheim".
What makes this place so special are the people behind it. That’s how Melter becomes a true ‘home away from home`. #designhotel #servicedapartments #boutiquehotel #nurnberg #nürnbergcity #nürnberg_de #nürnbergs_versteckte_ecken #nuernberg_de #melterhotelapartments

Maßgefertigt für das Melter, erstrahlt die von NEOOS Design entworfene Leuchte unseren Treppenaufgang.
Custom-made for the Melter, the light designed by NEOOS Design illuminates our staircase. @neoosdesign #designhotel #servicedapartments #boutiquehotel #nurnberg #nürnbergcity #nürnberg_de #nürnbergs_versteckte_ecken #nuernberg_de #melterhotelapartments

Melter Apartments in Nürnberg
Melter Apartments combine the service and comfort of a hotel with the individuality and privacy of an apartment. We think it is highly important that you want for nothing. No matter whether you are just planning a short stay in Nuremberg or if you are looking for a home in Nuremberg for several days, weeks or months, we will welcome you warmly.
The first thing that you’ll notice will probably be our outward appearance because we attach great importance to preserving the charm and authenticity of this listed façade. Old meets new as all 53 apartments and studios are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and are primarily one thing: individual in form, sophisticated in design, simply urbane & cosy. Sustainability is one of our key principles here.
No matter whether you are coming to Nuremberg for business or pleasure, to discover the town or to take a family holiday, with Melter Hotel & Apartments you can find a home from home in Nuremberg. Behind the historical sandstone façade in the heart of Nuremberg’s old town, Melter greets you in the middle of the pedestrian area, not far from Nuremberg’s St. Lorenz church.
From here, you can decide whether to conquer Nuremberg’s shopping streets, explore Nuremberg’s historic old town, or visit one of the many exhibitions in the trade fair town of Nuremberg. From Melter Hotel & Apartments, you not only have the ideal connection to all public transport, you also have the best connection to the diverse cultural facilities as well as the various individual culinary highlights of Albrecht Dürer’s city. You will want for nothing. We will ensure this with our all-round service.
A culinary highlight in Nuremberg is right here in our house: The monkī モンキー. Here you will be served the variety of modern ramen cuisine. Authentic, unique or completely rethought. Only fresh, carefully selected ingredients from the region are used here. The ramen noodles are made from high-quality organic flour and of course homemade. International cocktails or a suitable sake are served with it. The interior is Japanese-modern and forms a harmonious setting for your relaxed ramen enjoyment.
Had a hard day? Then head to our fitness studio and let off some steam. We have gathered together a small but fine selection of modern equipment for you where you can train for free as a guest. The treadmill, step machine and all the rest are already waiting for you.